Friday, January 22, 2010

Casey Johnson and Courtenay Semel Sex Tape

Courtenay Semel and Casey Johnson have a sex tape? Yes, that is apparently true because Courtenay went public declaring it! Courtenay told E! News in an interview that they were shot a sex tape so that they could sell it out to web portals and make money. They wanted the money to break free off their rich families and start a life of their own. And they were also planning a reality series to make more money. All those plans went for a toss when they broke up and Casey got hitched to Tila Tequila.

Tila Tequila reminds of those excessively fake tweets that she posted following Casey’s untimely death. None of the tweets sounded genuine, of course. No body is in two minds that Tila was trying to make the most of Casey Johnson’s death. But Courtenay seems to be genuinely affected by the tragedy. What you can wonder aloud is, what good is she doing to the memory of the dead by going to town talking about a sex tape that featured her deceased lover?

Celebs Line up for Haiti Relief

The queue of celebs that have something to do at Hollywood have taken to relief work for Haiti expands with each passing day. We have the Angeline Jolie-Brad Pitt power couple donating a commendable $1m. They were promptly followed by Sandra Bullock and Madonna. George Clooney decided to organize a telethon with performers like Alicia Keys and Bono, along with presenters like Robert Pattinson.

George Clooney saw to it that other celebs chipped in as well. He got even youngsters like Selena Gomez to handle phone lines even as the telethon was being telecast. Writes Selena Gomez on her Facebook page: “I will be on the phones during George Clooney & Joel Gallen’s Hope for Haiti Now telethon this Friday from 5pm to 7pm PST. I am so honored to be an active participant in this amazing fund raising event. Be sure to tune in, you cannot miss it. It is on MTV, over 30 major TV networks, and CNN worldwide. Let’s all come together and help those in Haiti.”

Jon Gosselin’s New Enemy is Kate Major!

Kate Major, the girl who is dating Michael Lohan, is now speaking out against her former ex Jon Gosselin. Yeah, you read that right! Kate had the nerve to date two men who are as similar in their appalling personalities like Jon and Michael. Though she dated Jon for a short time, Kate didn’t miss out on the opportunity to throw some flak at him. Calling him as “huge loser”, Kate mocked at his relationship with his latest eye-candy, Morgan Christie.

Kate is a former reporter of the magazine ‘Star’. At one point she quit her job to date the useless Michael Lohan. Kate seems to have indentified Jon’s true self; much like Hailey Glassman did the other day. Kate said, “He seems to go for nice girls from nice families and, in my case, with good careers. I would love Jon to get into the boxing ring with [Michael Lohan] so he could get his butt kicked because, let’s face it, we all know he needs the money.”

She continued, “It seems perfect this is the next beat for Jon. He has no job, no family other than his kids. He needs to take advantage of someone else now. Jon wouldn’t be with this girl unless she could offer him some kind of financial support. All I know about [Morgan Christie] is that she met Jon while he was supposedly visiting his grandmother. But he was probably just sitting around smoking weed with his buddies, and that’s when he met her.”

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Uncle Speaks on Charlie Sheen and Brooke Mueller

Joe Estevez, the uncle of Charlie Sheen, decided to throw his hat into the ring by talking about Charlie’s relationship with Brooke Mueller. The Two and a Half Men star’s uncle said: "It's a sad situation on everybody's part. Everybody wishes it didn't happen. Hopefully everyone can move on positively. "There's just as much chance of her being a drama queen as of what she's saying being true. Maybe he was angry—maybe that's true and maybe it was an embellishment. Let's give the couple the benefit of the doubt. I think it's much ado about nothing. If they were any other couple in the world, it would be gone and forgotten. Because it was Charlie and Brooke, they're taking it to the max.”

About Charlie, Joe said: "He's not crying to anyone; he's sucking it up," says Estevez. "I understand he's back at work today. First day back...doing his job, not complaining, not crying to the press. He's just being a man about it. I think we all have a temper problem if we're pushed to the limit. Is it worse than me or his father or his brother? Certainly not, but he's singled out. Whatever Charlie does is blown out of proportion. He's a good guy. Charlie is a good, sweet man, and I think sometimes you let energy in that you shouldn't. Sometimes you're a little too trusting. Charlie should be on his guard a little bit more."